Title | Name | Phone # Home/Cell | Email address |
President | David Goldstein | Cell # 609-374-6558 | DavidG83@comcast.net |
First Vice President | George Kralle | Cell # 609-287-1017 | gkralle1123@hotmail.com, |
Second Vice President | Christina Martin | Cell # 609-315-5100 | pcasj24@gmail.com |
Chairman of the Board | Kenney Trout CEC, CCA, AAC | Cell # 609-354-2011 | pcasj24@gmail.com |
Treasurer | Larry Alexander CCC | Cell #609 418-0264 | pcasj24@gmail.com |
Recording Secretary | Maggie Feairheller | Home # 609-398-0342 Cell # 609-703-6159 | pcasj24@gmail.com |
Sergeant at Arms | Fred Belfus | Cell# 856-213-7624 | pcasj24@gmail.com |
Scholarship Chair | Joseph Sheridan CEC Maggie Feairheller Guy Dunagan | Cell# 609-287-1942 Cell # 609-703-6159 Cell # 609-713-0072 | jsheridan@atlantic.edu pcasj24@gmail.com pcasj24@gmail.com |
Fundraiser Chair | Beverly Dimeglio | Cell # 215-499-2581 | Beverly.Dimeglio@acxion.com |
Fundraiser Chair | Danielle V Merighi | Cell # 609-760-9622 | danielle.merighi@usfoods.com, |
Chef and Child | David Goldstein | Cell # 609-374-6558 | DavidG83@comcast.net, |
George Kralle | Cell # 609-287-1017 | kralle1123@hotmail.com, | |
PCASJ Academy Chair | Kenny Trout CEC, CCA, AAC | Cell # 609-354-2011 | pcasj24@gmail.com |
Special Events Chairperson - Dinner Dance Committee | |||
Trustee | Guy Dunagan | guydunagan@msn.com | |
Trustee | Demetrois Haronis | dharonis@netscape.net | |
Trustee | Katie Morse | kmorse@acitech.org | |
Trustee | Joe Hendri | ||
Trustee | Joseph Sheridan CEC | 609-287-1942 | jsheridan@atlantic.edu |
Trustee | Peter Guzzo | kinpiero725@comcast.net |